And now for something completely different
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Vanilla life
Speaking of culture, even though I rarely do this, now for something completely different:
Beat me, hurt me, use me, torture me, but do it because you love me.
A look into the mind of a submissive and bisexual man.
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Speaking of culture, even though I rarely do this, now for something completely different:
Post last updated by
12:28 PM
I *love* Mario!
You knew this, right?
Wheee, that was fun. :)
hugs, E
*closes eyes and shakes head*
Um, amazing.
The only thing that may be better than that, is this
What's really scary about that, Wendy, is that (and I could be wrong of course), I think I might recognize the building where that took place. :) Must have been another life or something.
I though I knew that building at first as well.
College libraries seem to look the same, at least once your inside.
The main difference between QC and NCC is that at QC, the library bathroom's are not used as a gay cruising area. (at least, not that I know.)
Oh, see, now I know I must have been wrong because a part of that building looked a lot like the inside of UBS at Stamford. Don't ask why I've been there. Like I said, it was another life I'd rather not discuss. *shudder*
Hrm. From the looks of that site, I doubt they'd let a fella dressed like Pac Man go running around the place.
Which is a shame. I think more workplaces could be perked up with some Pac Man.
Even the crew from Monty Python would have to defer to the "complete difference" of this!
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